2024 Call for Proposals

Teiger Foundation

Description: Our grant categories are single project, three years of programming, hosting, and curatorial research and development. All categories require the following (exceptions noted below):

1. A description of your proposed project(s), centering your and/or your colleagues’ curatorial approach; ten images with 100-word captions; and a project summary of up to 100 words. 

2. A description of a past project that gives context to your proposed project, and up to five links with 100-word captions. Not required for the three years of programming grant. 

3. A project budget. Sample budgets are available. 

4. Your organization's operating budgets for the immediate past, current, and upcoming fiscal years.

5. Proof of 501(c)(3) status.

Have questions about Teiger Foundation’s 2024 Call for Proposals?

Join their online information session on January 17 at 3 pm ET. Secure your spot here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AlMtQkw5REqMghiHNwv-_A#/registration

Whether your application is in progress or you’re just getting started, Teiger staff can provide insights into program categories, eligibility criteria, and the application process. They will be accepting applications for this grant cycle from January 2 until February 14!

Before the sessions, read the Foundation’s guidelines here and prepare your questions. Feel free to send in your questions in advance to info@teigerfoundation.org.

Can't make it to the live sessions? You can find a recording from the December 6 info session on their website and the upcoming Zoom webinar will also be recorded and made available to both attendees and non-attendees.

About: Teiger Foundation currently offers grants for US-based, curator-led initiatives in contemporary visual art. They support group exhibitions, single-artist surveys, participatory and community-engaged art projects, digital exhibitions, live and virtual performance in the context of the visual arts, and as-yet-unknown curatorial forms involving contemporary visual art and artists.

The Foundation supports curators' growth and development as they work in or in partnership with organizations of all sizes. They value fresh ideas and formats, knowledge exchange and collaboration, resource sharing, responses to urgent conditions, and new approaches to working with artists, institutions, and communities. The Foundation supports the development and realization of new projects and deepening and extending the value of existing projects.

Selections are made by a rotating jury of peers supported by Teiger staff, including past grantees. These curators, artists, and arts professionals represent a range of locations, career stages, organizational affiliations, and areas of expertise.

Teiger Foundation honors the vision of founder David Teiger (1929-2014), who, in his lifetime, championed professionals who pursued their own paths in making exhibitions, leading organizations, conducting research, and pursuing other aspects of curatorial practice.

In dialogue with artists and other art workers, curators are thinkers and leaders who play multiple and changing roles in their organizations and communities. Teiger Foundation’s goal is to support these activities and their continued reinvention.

Requirements/Responsibilities: https://teigerfoundation.org/what-we-fund

Contact Name: Andrea Escobedo

Contact Email: info@teigerfoundation.org

Website: https://teigerfoundation.org/

Application Deadline: February 14, 2024