Our Mission

Black Women in Visual Art (BWVA) is an organization for womxn, visual art and culture professionals of the African Diaspora. BWVA aims to foster networks, share resources and develop programs with the goal of increasing visibility for women in the global majority. BWVA was created to steward and nurture enduring representation and leadership in the visual arts and cultural sector.

Our goals

  • Promote lasting equity in the visual arts and cultural ecosystem 

  • Cultivate effective mentorship across the sector

  • Participate in arts advocacy 

  • Provide opportunities for educational + professional development

WE SERVE: Art Historians. Museum Directors. Arts Educators. Art Professors. Cultural Organization Workers. Arts Administrators and Managers. Curators. Arts Entrepreneurs. Art Critics and Writers. Whether emerging in the art world or a long standing Director, we want to CONNECT, CULTIVATE and THRIVE with you!